
The School’s Aspirations for our Learners

Our Vision and Values

To provide the best possible education to every child in an engaging, safe and caring environment. Nurturing happy, confident, respectful and resilient learners.

Ysgol Deganwy will provide the best possible education for every child in a happy, secure, family atmosphere. Tolerance, courtesy and respect will be the hallmarks of good interpersonal relationships.

Within this context, all members of staff will respond to the challenges of school life with the utmost dedication, commitment, professionalism and honesty and will feel trusted, valued and respected. Based on such convictions, Ysgol Deganwy will reaffirm its place at the center of the community and be viewed with a sense of pride by all who invest the child with the responsibility for the future.

‘Let Children be children, while they are children’

To achieve our vision:

  • We will create a nurturing physical and emotional environment conducive to learning, engaging the mind, body, and emotions of our pupils.
  • Pupils will participate in meaningful learning experiences across a range of settings, both structured and informal.
  • We will tailor learning to meet the individual requirements of our learners, encompassing academic, emotional, social, and cultural needs.
  • Lifelong learning skills and attitudes will be embedded within our educational activities, offering children opportunities to engage as active partners in learning across various communities (classroom, school, local, national, and global levels).
  • We commit to valuing and recognizing the broad spectrum of our learners’ achievements, ensuring a constructive assessment of their diverse accomplishments.

Additionally, we will:

  • Continue to emphasise the crucial role of parents in their child’s educational journey, nurturing this partnership.
  • Maintain an open and welcoming environment, providing opportunities for parents to be involved in the school’s daily activities.
  • Ensure parents are kept up-to-date with their child’s progress through termly parents’ evenings and inform them about general school matters via regular newsletters and the school’s website.